Balance Training & Fall Prevention Programs
alls are one of the greatest causes of serious health problems among older adults. Missouri Brain & Spine has established a comprehensive Fall Risk Screening & Conditioning program that allows our patient’s to enter a program with data-driven goals. Our program and associated technology, will not only help reduce a patient’s risk of falling, but can be used to rehabilitate total hip and knee replacement, as well as a wide array of orthopedic and neurological conditions and generally improve overall mobility.
The Missouri Brain & Spine Fall Risk Screening & Conditioning Program is based on well-established science and uses technology to create an objective and efficient program. Modifying the factors that lead to falls will increase mobility and confidence, both critical to maintaining personal independence.
The program is a simple combination of risk-factor screening including analytical balance testing in conjunction with universally accepted normative data and medical protocols. If a patient is found to be at risk of falling, there is an array of interventions and exercises that can help restore balance and reduce the risk. Intervention is supported by patient education and exercise plans.
Our comprehensive balance assessment begins with computerized dynamic posturography (CDP) system, coupled with additional advanced testing can identify potential problems that impede an individual’s ability to remain upright under challenging conditions.
Strength is also a critical contributor for a rapid response to a balance disturbance. Testing will identify weakness and, if necessary, exercise will significantly improve lower body strength.
Independence is directly related to one’s ability maintain balance and stability when walking. Older adults typically display a slower walking speed, with shorter steps, varied in length. These are all factors related to falls. Our individualized and supervised rehabilitative programs can help strengthen and build endurance of muscles; specifically those associated with ambulation.
Common Causes of Balance Difficulties & Falls
- Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo
- Orthostatic Hypotension
- Vertigo
- Complications of Stroke
- Meniere's Disease
- Motion Sickness
- Labyrinthitis
- Concussion/TBI
- Vestibular neuronitis
- Perilymph fistula
- Mal de debarquement syndrome (MdDS)
- Deconditioning