Independent Neurological Evaluations


our first encounter with our physicians at Missouri Brain & Spine will begin with a comprehensive physical examination from head-to-toe that evaluates and challenges the various systems within the body, and their ability to interact with the external environment. Based on these results of this examination, as well as clinical decision making, additional testing, such as imaging studies, laboratory work, and other advanced diagnostic testing, may be ordered to allow us to pinpoint areas of deficiencies and/or impairment within the central nervous system.

Once our initial assessment has been completed, the data compiled serves as a baseline of function, by which all future testing results are compared. This allows us to constantly modify and fine tune each patient’s program, as necessary, to meet their goals.

Additional In-Office Testing Available

  • Videonystagmography (VNG)
  • Nerve Conduction Study (NCV)
  • Electromyography (EMG)
  • Computerized Dynamic Posturography (CDP)
  • Laboratory Testing
  • Neurocognitive & Psychological Testing
  • Plain Film Radiography
  • Saccadometry
  • Computerized Gait Analysis


141 Chesterfield Business Parkway
Chesterfield, Missouri 63005


Phone: (636) 778-4300
Fax: (636) 898-6918